To Fire 2/21/08

What do you think about being interviewed with respect to morality and American culture?

2 Responses to “To Fire 2/21/08”

  1. fire Says:

    I think I don’t think about politics nearly as much as you do. 🙂

  2. briankoontz Says:

    No, no, there will be no politics! It’s just morality and American culture.

    Prior to my interest in politics which didn’t become primary until 2006 my primary interests were psychology and American culture. Before your time (on Qt3) I used to talk a lot about (and criticize a lot) American culture there.

    I want to apologize for my trip to San Diego. I was under the constraint of a panic attack which I didn’t diagnose at the time. I made my initial diagnosis of such in mid 2007 and wasn’t confident in it until late 2007. There were a few other minor factors in play but that covers most of it.

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